Childhood dental health begins before birth and good dental hygiene for kids begins even before the very first tooth appears. That's because newborn babies have twenty primary teeth in the jaw, several of them completely developed. Good teeth are actually important for kids to chew food easily, learn to speak clearly, and have a happy, confident smile.
Regular dental care is able to ensure your baby's teeth and gums stay free of the bacteria that cause decay. Caring for your infant's mouth is actually simple: Run a damp washcloth over your baby's gums after every feeding. When teeth start to emerge, use a soft child's toothbrush or perhaps rub them with a piece of gauze at the end of each day. Toothpaste is not needed. When you make use of toothpaste, a pea sized amount is plenty. Don't use toothpaste containing fluoride until the kid is actually aproximatelly three years of age.
Childhood cavities (or caries), also referred to as bottle mouth, baby bottle tooth decay, and nursing caries, are actually a frequent issue in young kids and babies. This particular kind of tooth decay often results from allowing the kid to go to bed with a milk-filled or juice- bottle, from making use of a bottle frequently throughout the day, or perhaps from on demand nursing, particularly at night.
The sugars in breast milk, cow's juice, and milk is able to stay on the teeth and gums, encouraging causing decay and bacteria growth. To help prevent this type of tooth decay, begin to reduce nighttime nursing once the child's first teeth have appeared and in case your kid should go to bed with a container at night, be sure it is filled with plain water. Dentists recommend that kids begin drinking from a cup around the very first birthday.
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